Easiest Way to Make Delicious Eggplant and Meat Sauce Gratin

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Eggplant and Meat Sauce Gratin.

Eggplant and Meat Sauce Gratin You can cook Eggplant and Meat Sauce Gratin using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Eggplant and Meat Sauce Gratin

  1. You need of Eggplants (slim Japanese type).
  2. It's of Meat sauce (store bought).
  3. Prepare of Potatoes.
  4. You need of Boiled eggs.
  5. You need of Wiener sausages.
  6. You need of worth Garlic.
  7. Prepare of generous amount (to taste) Melting cheese.
  8. It's of ★ Olive oil.
  9. Prepare of ☆ Parsley for garnish (if you have some).
  10. It's of Butter (to grease the gratin dish).

Eggplant and Meat Sauce Gratin step by step

  1. Boil the eggs. Take off strips off the eggplant skins with a vegetable peeler, then cut into 1 cm thick slices. Soak in a bowl of water, then drain..
  2. Cut the potatoes into 1 cm thick slices. Wrap with plastic wrap and microwave for 3 minutes. Slice up the sausages diagonally. Slice the boiled eggs. Finely chop the garlic..
  3. Heat up the ★ olive oil, and stir fry the garlic, then the eggplant. When the eggplant has wilted, add the sausage and stir fry quickly, then add the meat sauce and bring to a boil..
  4. Don't forget to reserve some of the meat sauce to pour over the boiled egg slices. See the left top of the photo above Step 5..
  5. Butter the gratin dish. Line it with the potato slices, then top with the mixture from step 4. Put on the sliced egg, top with the reserved meat sauce, then finally the cheese..
  6. Bake in an oven or toaster oven until browned..
  7. Sprinkle with some ☆ chopped parsley and it's done! Serve while piping hot..
  8. A penny pinching version: This is delicious with just the eggplant, plus bell peppers and boiled egg. Please try using any vegetables you have in the refrigerator..

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