Recipe: Yummy Steak Diane

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Steak Diane.

Steak Diane You can cook Steak Diane using 14 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Steak Diane

  1. It's of Sirloin steak or any cut you prefer.
  2. You need of garlic.
  3. Prepare of tbps salted butter.
  4. You need of Olive oil.
  5. Prepare of Salt.
  6. You need of Pepper.
  7. You need of white onion.
  8. It's of button mushrooms.
  9. Prepare of tbps mustard.
  10. You need of heavy cream.
  11. You need of brandy or cogniac.
  12. It's of tbps of Worcester Sauce.
  13. You need of Parsley.
  14. It's of peas (optional).

Steak Diane step by step

  1. Hot pan, olive oil. Season and sear the steaks with 2 cloves of garlic (cook to the degree that you prefer). Add the butter to the pan then baste. Once cooked, take it off the heat and rest the meat..
  2. On the same pan, saute the chopped onion and 1 clove of garlic until soft. Season with salt, pepper, mustard and Worcester sauce then add the mushrooms..
  3. Pour the brandy on one side of the pan then slightly tilt over the flame to flambe or just let the alcohol cook-out without flaming. (Be careful when flaming. Make sure that you can control the fire on the pan. Always have a wet towel ready or flour to put out the flames if it gets out of control)..
  4. Swirl the remaining juices around, add the cream then reduce. Add chopped parsley..
  5. You can put the steaks back in the cream to finish cooking or you can just spoon the sauce on top of the steaks during plating..
  6. You can serve it with baked potato wedges (as seen on my picture) or with mashed potatoes. Bon appetit..

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