Recipe: Tasty Steak and Egg Tacos

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Steak and Egg Tacos.

Steak and Egg Tacos You can have Steak and Egg Tacos using 16 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Steak and Egg Tacos

  1. Prepare of Steak.
  2. You need of Tri-tip Sirloin Steak Roast.
  3. It's of olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. It's of Mushrooms.
  5. Prepare of Olive Oil.
  6. You need of Butter.
  7. You need of minced garlic.
  8. Prepare of Mushrooms.
  9. Prepare of Tortillas.
  10. Prepare of Olive Oil.
  11. Prepare of 4" Tortillas.
  12. Prepare of Eggs.
  13. Prepare of Eggs.
  14. You need of Olive Oil.
  15. Prepare of topping.
  16. You need of Asiago Cheese.

Steak and Egg Tacos instructions

  1. Oil, salt and pepper steak roast. Bake steak roast in a 425° F oven until done to your liking..
  2. Heat oil and melt butter. Sauté garlic and mushrooms. Reduce heat..
  3. Heat a flat pan, add oil with a paper towel. Warm tortillas..
  4. Heat oil and cook eggs to desired doneness..
  5. Slice steak and place on top of tortilla..
  6. Add eggs and mushrooms. Grate cheese on top..

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