How to Cook Perfect Marsala Blue Cheese Steak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Marsala Blue Cheese Steak.

Marsala Blue Cheese Steak You can cook Marsala Blue Cheese Steak using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Marsala Blue Cheese Steak

  1. It's of Sirloin Tip.
  2. You need of Blue Cheese.
  3. You need of Marsala.
  4. Prepare of Mushrooms.
  5. Prepare of large Sweet Onion.
  6. Prepare of Butter.
  7. It's of Teriyaki.

Marsala Blue Cheese Steak instructions

  1. Marinate steak in teriyaki.
  2. Slice onions and mushrooms up, wash.
  3. In large saute pan add butter and marsala on medium heat and add onions, when onions start to cook down add mushrooms to pan. Add more butter and marsala as needed Continue to cook until mushrooms and onions and soft. Put to the side on a plate.
  4. In same pan add more butter and marsala and then fry steak until desired temperature.
  5. Put steak on a pan, layer mushrooms and onions on top and then add crumbled blue cheese. Put pan in oven under broil until blue cheese browns, then enjoy :).

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