How to Make Delicious Chargrilled Steak & Spicy Wedges

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chargrilled Steak & Spicy Wedges.

Chargrilled Steak & Spicy Wedges You can cook Chargrilled Steak & Spicy Wedges using 11 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Chargrilled Steak & Spicy Wedges

  1. You need of Sirloin or Rib Eye Steak.
  2. Prepare of Baking Potatoes.
  3. You need of Olive Oil.
  4. It's of Vinegar.
  5. Prepare of Paprika.
  6. Prepare of Garlic.
  7. Prepare of Mushrooms.
  8. It's of Bell Pepper.
  9. It's of Red Onion.
  10. It's of Cherry Tomatoes.
  11. You need of BBQ Marinade.

Chargrilled Steak & Spicy Wedges instructions

  1. Place Steak into bowl & cover with marinade a 12hours before cooking.
  2. Preheat oven to No 6.
  3. Wash Potatoes & slice into good size wedges, add olive oil & paprika, place in roasting tin for 25 mins.
  4. Remove steaks & rub in olive oil & paprika.
  5. Chop tomatoes, Red onion, Mushrooms & Bell Pepper. Add vinegar.
  6. Heat griddle pan on high & cook steaks to desired liking (4 mins each side for well done) add mushrooms.
  7. Crush garlic & add to potatoes & steak, serve with salsa.

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