Recipe: Delicious Caramel Onion Steak

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Caramel Onion Steak.

Caramel Onion Steak You can cook Caramel Onion Steak using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Caramel Onion Steak

  1. It's of Sirloin Tip Steak.
  2. Prepare of Ponzu.
  3. It's of Salt and pepper.
  4. It's of Onion.
  5. Prepare of Lime.

Caramel Onion Steak instructions

  1. Chop onions into little pieces. Sauté them in high heat with oilve oil and salt and pepper. Till golden brown.
  2. Cut sirloin steak into strips, marinate with lime salt and pepper. Add to pan with onions and mix at medium heat! And ponzu sauce about two spoons of it..
  3. Grill till it looks golden brown and juice. (I always add a littlw more lime while i put the ponzu sauce Serve with salad and rice! Enjoy! 😊.

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