How to Cook Tasty Steak Meal Prep

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Steak Meal Prep.

You can have Steak Meal Prep using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Steak Meal Prep

  1. It's of Sirloin Steak.
  2. Prepare of Sweet Potato.
  3. Prepare of Broccoli.
  4. It's of Cumin.
  5. You need of Salt/Pepper.
  6. Prepare of Garlic.
  7. Prepare of Rosemary.
  8. It's of Peppercorns.

Steak Meal Prep instructions

  1. Skin and chop up sweet potatoes.
  2. Bring sweet potatoes to a boil and then mash.
  3. Steam broccoli.
  4. Season steak with salt and pepper then cook on a pan on high heat.
  5. Add garlic cloves, Rosemary, black peppercorns.
  6. Cook for 2-3 min each side.

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