How to Cook Appetizing Sirloin Steak with Chimichurri dressing

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sirloin Steak with Chimichurri dressing.

Sirloin Steak with Chimichurri dressing You can have Sirloin Steak with Chimichurri dressing using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Sirloin Steak with Chimichurri dressing

  1. You need of Chimichurri dressing.
  2. You need of fresh Coriander and bunch fresh parsley.
  3. It's of Garlic.
  4. Prepare of small red Chilli.
  5. It's of of red onion.
  6. Prepare of dried oregano.
  7. You need of Salt & pepper.
  8. Prepare of red or white wine vinegar.
  9. It's of extra virgin olive oil.
  10. Prepare of Steak.
  11. It's of Sirloin steak.
  12. You need of oil (rapeseed, sunflower etc).
  13. Prepare of butter.
  14. It's of Salt & pepper.

Sirloin Steak with Chimichurri dressing step by step

  1. Put parsley and coriander in a bowl. Finely chopped garlic cloves and chilli (deseeded) and add along with red onion, dried oregano, red/white wine vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Mix well in bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes..
  2. Ensure oil in pan is hot before adding steak(s). Season with salt and pepper and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side. Towards end of cooking add knob of butter and baste steak. Take off heat and continue to baste, then rest steak for ten minutes on wire rack..
  3. Stir dressing well before drizzling over steak as main accompaniment for one or as side dish for up to four with chips, potatoes etc..

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