Recipe: Yummy Sirloin Steak sandwich with Pickled Gherkins & Red Onion barbecue sauce

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sirloin Steak sandwich with Pickled Gherkins & Red Onion barbecue sauce.

Sirloin Steak sandwich with Pickled Gherkins & Red Onion barbecue sauce You can have Sirloin Steak sandwich with Pickled Gherkins & Red Onion barbecue sauce using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sirloin Steak sandwich with Pickled Gherkins & Red Onion barbecue sauce

  1. Prepare of For the meat:.
  2. You need of sirloin steak.
  3. You need of olive oil.
  4. Prepare of garlic.
  5. It's of salt, pepper.
  6. Prepare of Chili pepper.
  7. You need of mustard.
  8. You need of For the sauce:.
  9. You need of olive oil.
  10. Prepare of red onion.
  11. You need of pickled gherkins.
  12. It's of barbecue sauce.
  13. Prepare of To Assemble:.
  14. You need of hamburger buns.
  15. You need of baby spinach.

Sirloin Steak sandwich with Pickled Gherkins & Red Onion barbecue sauce step by step

  1. Slice the sirloin into paper thin strips. Peel & Slice the garlic cloves, then throw into a hot pan & oil. As soon as the garlic fried add the sirloin. Salt & pepper on the meat stirring a few times. Add some Chili peppers to taste, and a spoon of mustard, stirring some more, then pour into a bowl. The frying is about 1-2 minutes tops..
  2. Place the pan back onto the stove, adding some oil. Chuck the finely chopped red onion & pickled gherkins into the pan frying a bit, then add the barbecue sauce frying little further and the sauce is ready literally..
  3. Carry on toasting the half cut rolls both sides..
  4. Assembling can be done by wrapping a little meat on the bottom of the bun, tossing it with a little juice, scooping on the topped barbecue sauce, putting some fresh baby sponge on top, and finally putting on the hat and serving..

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