Recipe: Delicious My Garlic Butter Sirloin Steak with mushrooms & thick cut Chips

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

My Garlic Butter Sirloin Steak with mushrooms & thick cut Chips.

My Garlic Butter Sirloin Steak with mushrooms & thick cut Chips You can have My Garlic Butter Sirloin Steak with mushrooms & thick cut Chips using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of My Garlic Butter Sirloin Steak with mushrooms & thick cut Chips

  1. You need of large piece of Sirloin Steak.
  2. It's of mushrooms sliced thick.
  3. You need of Butter.
  4. Prepare of Garlic cloves crushed.
  5. Prepare of Salt n pepper.

My Garlic Butter Sirloin Steak with mushrooms & thick cut Chips step by step

  1. Start the deep fried chips first.
  2. After 5 minutes add the butter to the frying pan and garlic, and cook the mushrooms for 3 minutes first. Then add the Sirloin in the middle fry each side for 3 minutes so as it's medium cooked.after that time turn low and turn the chips in the deep fryer to high..
  3. Chips should only take 2 minutes to crisp and brown. Add the steak and onions to the serving plate on a bed of lettuce then add the mushrooms and chips..

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