How to Cook Yummy Lazy Steak and Chips

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Lazy Steak and Chips.

Lazy Steak and Chips You can have Lazy Steak and Chips using 2 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Lazy Steak and Chips

  1. Prepare of Maris Piper potatoes.
  2. You need of Sirloin Steak or Aberdeen Angus Steaks.

Lazy Steak and Chips instructions

  1. Heat clean fresh Vegetable Oil in an Electric Deep Fat Fryer too the highest mark for the purpose of good deep fried chips..
  2. Peel and wash the potatoes and chop them so they are fairly chunky then add them too the deep fat fryer without the metal basket in..
  3. Chop down slightly in several areas - the fat on the Sirloin Steak with a sharp knife too prevent the steak from coiling up,and then add too the deep fat fryer - for a medium to well done cooked One it's 5 minutes for the One Sirloin Steak and for the Pack of 3 Aberdeen Angus Steaks just 3 minutes should be sufficient,take the steak out and allow too rest..
  4. Once chips are done - place on Kitchen Roll and dab on Kitchen Roll over the top and then convert too another plate by tipping both plates over at the same time and then add your rested cooked Sirloin Steak too the plate along with your chips..

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