Recipe: Appetizing Seasoned Steak Strips

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Seasoned Steak Strips.

Seasoned Steak Strips You can have Seasoned Steak Strips using 6 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Seasoned Steak Strips

  1. You need of Sirloin Steak or Rump.
  2. It's of Paprika.
  3. It's of Chicken Seasoning.
  4. It's of Garlic Powder.
  5. You need of Oil.
  6. You need of Salt & Pepper.

Seasoned Steak Strips step by step

  1. Cut the Steak Into strips and marinate in everything for 1 hours. (Best results leave overnight).
  2. Brown the beef in a frying pan. Dont add oil as it's on the steak.
  3. Rare cook for around 3-4 minutes. Medium cook for around 4-6 minutes. Well done cook for around 6-8 minutes.

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