Recipe: Yummy Mince Pie

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mince Pie.

Mince Pie You can cook Mince Pie using 23 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Mince Pie

  1. You need of Mincemeat:.
  2. Prepare of Raisins.
  3. Prepare of Sultanas.
  4. It's of Currants.
  5. You need of Dried cranberries.
  6. Prepare of Butter.
  7. You need of Soft light brown sugar.
  8. You need of Apple.
  9. It's of Lemon.
  10. It's of Brandy.
  11. You need of Cinnamon.
  12. It's of Nutmeg.
  13. It's of Clove.
  14. It's of Pie Crust:.
  15. Prepare of Cake flour.
  16. Prepare of Powdered sugar.
  17. You need of Butter.
  18. It's of Egg yolk.
  19. It's of Cold water.
  20. It's of Finishing Touches:.
  21. You need of Egg yolk.
  22. Prepare of Milk.
  23. You need of Powdered sugar.

Mince Pie instructions

  1. Finely chop the dried cranberries and apple..
  2. Melt the butter. Juice the lemon and grate the peel..
  3. Combine all of the mincemeat ingredients in a bowl..
  4. In a separate bowl, add the flour, powdered sugar, and butter diced into 2 cm cubes. Combine well until it becomes smooth and powdery..
  5. Add the egg and cold water to Step 4..
  6. Gather the dough in a ball and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour..
  7. Roll the dough 4mm thick. Cut out 7cm circles to use as the bottom crust for the pies, and cut out star shapes for the top crust..
  8. Line tart molds with the circular crust pieces and fill with the mincemeat. Cover with the star-shaped crust..
  9. Brush on an egg wash made of egg yolk and milk. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180°C..
  10. Once they cool, dust with powdered sugar to finish..

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