How to Make Tasty Beef Madras Bombay Cottage Pie

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Beef Madras Bombay Cottage Pie.

Beef Madras Bombay Cottage Pie You can cook Beef Madras Bombay Cottage Pie using 27 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Beef Madras Bombay Cottage Pie

  1. You need of madras paste.
  2. It's of ground cinnamon.
  3. You need of chilli powder.
  4. Prepare of turmeric.
  5. It's of ground coriander.
  6. It's of ground cumin.
  7. Prepare of ground pepper.
  8. You need of mustard seeds.
  9. You need of garam masala.
  10. Prepare of tomato paste.
  11. It's of olive oil.
  12. You need of thumb size piece of fresh ginger.
  13. Prepare of garlic.
  14. It's of Madras.
  15. You need of onion, chopped.
  16. Prepare of mince beef.
  17. You need of carrots.
  18. You need of can of chopped tomatos.
  19. Prepare of red chilli.
  20. It's of handful frozen peas.
  21. You need of potatoes.
  22. You need of turmeric.
  23. Prepare of coriander seeds.
  24. It's of lug of milk.
  25. It's of butter.
  26. You need of lug of olive oil.
  27. Prepare of sprinkle of dessicated coconut.

Beef Madras Bombay Cottage Pie step by step

  1. For the paste, add all paste ingredients into a food processor and process. Leave to one side.
  2. Chop the onion, carrot, chilli.
  3. Put half the butter and half the oil on a low heat and fry the onions until golden brown.
  4. Add the beef mince and paste and make sure it is mixed well.
  5. Cook for 5 mins then add the tinned tomatoes, a cup of water, carrots and peas.
  6. Bring to boil and simmer for 30 mins.
  7. Peel and chop potatoes into cubes and add to a new pot.
  8. Cover potatoes with water and boil for 20mins..
  9. Add one lug of oil to a pan and toast the coriander seeds and turmeric powder for 1 min.
  10. Add potatoes and cook until covered in spices.
  11. Put potatoes, back into pot, add milk and the rest of the butter and mash.
  12. Place cook beef into glass ceramic dish and top with potatoes. Smooth potato on top.
  13. Sprinkle dessicated coconut on top and put under grill for 10 mins.
  14. Serve with sour cream and popadoms.

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