Recipe: Yummy Beef Vegetable Soup

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Beef Vegetable Soup.

Beef Vegetable Soup You can have Beef Vegetable Soup using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Beef Vegetable Soup

  1. It's of bottle of campbell tomato soup.
  2. It's of green beans.
  3. You need of beef broth.
  4. Prepare of corn.
  5. You need of chopped carrots.
  6. You need of or 3 small cut up potatoes.
  7. Prepare of onion.
  8. It's of pot roast.
  9. It's of garlic salt.
  10. Prepare of salt.
  11. You need of pepper.

Beef Vegetable Soup instructions

  1. season the pot roast with salt, pepper, season salt, garlic salt. bake pot roast @ 350°F for about an hour 1/2 or til tender soft done all the way..
  2. cut up onions & potatoes & carrots..
  3. after the pot roast Is done. Get a large pot put in the tomatoes juice & the beef broth. then add all ingredients in (corn,green beans, carrots, potatoes,onions).
  4. cut al the fat off the pot roast. cut up.pot roast into cubes. after u cut em.all up. put em. in the pot..
  5. Cook for about 2 1/2 hours or less till the carotts & potatoes are soft & tender. u cook em on between medium -low heat. once its start boiling put on low heat 1-3. keep stirring every once awhile til its done..
  6. add little bit of garlic salt, salt, pepper. add however much u want. sometime I add little bit of season salt..

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