Easiest Way to Make Delicious Crock-Pot Roast Beef

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Crock-Pot Roast Beef. In a large slow cooker, place roast beef. Surround your roast with potatoes, onions, carrots, and herbs. Pour over beef broth and Worcestershire.

That crust is delicious and you don't want. Impossibly tender beef pot roast with carrots, mushrooms and onions. It's easy in the slow cooker. You can cook Crock-Pot Roast Beef using 16 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Crock-Pot Roast Beef

  1. It's of roast beef.
  2. Prepare of green chilli salsa.
  3. Prepare of tomato sauce.
  4. You need of onion diced.
  5. Prepare of celery.
  6. It's of garlic minced.
  7. Prepare of beef broth no salt.
  8. Prepare of Bay leafs.
  9. It's of Water to cover 2 inches over meat.
  10. You need of magic seasoning.
  11. Prepare of salt free seasoning.
  12. It's of garlic powder.
  13. It's of onion powder.
  14. You need of cilantro leaves.
  15. You need of cumin.
  16. It's of magic toasted onion and garlic seasoning (optional).

Revive your leftover pot roast with this easy Beef Ragu recipe submitted by user Betty Soup I put the roast right from the searing pan into the crock pot on top of the veggies and let it rest in there. Recipe by Little This Little. **Note: If your roast is frozen, start it on low the night before with just the water or broth. Add the rest of the ingredients the next morning and cook until dinnertime! This slow cooker pot roast is the perfect combination of succulent beef, root vegetables, and seasonings.

Crock-Pot Roast Beef instructions

  1. In Crock-Pot set to 4 hours on high or 8 hours on low..
  2. Add meat and stir in rest of ingredients. Add Bay leafs, beef broth, and water to cover 2 inch above ingredients. Add seasonings to taste. Remove Bay leafs before serving..
  3. Make gravy from the juices. Cut beef 1 inch thick, place in dish. Strain juices from Crock-Pot and pour over meat..
  4. If you want it for burritos, shred meat in a different container strain juices and pour over meat..

The meat is served with the thickened gravy. With a variety of vegetables and straightforward seasonings, it's a complete. Savory roast beef with tender carrots and potatoes is a classic meal all done in the slow cooker! The crock pot is ideal for this. Make sure your meat never gets dry in the crock pot.

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