Recipe: Perfect Beef Stroganoff

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Beef Stroganoff.

Beef Stroganoff You can have Beef Stroganoff using 13 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Beef Stroganoff

  1. Prepare 400 g of filet (or sirloin) steak / 14 oz..
  2. Prepare 400 g of onions (chopped) / 14 oz..
  3. You need 250 g of button mushrooms (quartered) / 9 oz..
  4. It's 8 tablespoons of low fat crème fraîche.
  5. It's 4 tablespoons of Greek yogurt low fat (0%).
  6. Prepare 125 ml of beef stock / 4¼ fl. oz..
  7. It's 1 tablespoon of aspartame.
  8. It's 2 teaspoons of garlic powder.
  9. Prepare 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
  10. You need 1 teaspoon of parsley (or fresh, a small handful chopped).
  11. You need ½ teaspoon of pepper ground.
  12. It's of “Spray2Cook” (a word used to describe any low-cal. non-stick cook’s oil spray.
  13. It's ½ teaspoon of paprika.

Beef Stroganoff step by step

  1. Put the steak on a sheet of cling film and cover with a second. Flatten with a rolling pin before cutting into strips..
  2. Mix the crème fraîche, yoghurt, aspartame, garlic powder, mustard paprika and pepper in a bowl and set aside..
  3. Microwave the onion for 5 minutes, add the mushroom and microwave for a further minute..
  4. Put a fry pan sprayed with Spray2Cook on a high heat until it bubbles. Turn down a little, add the steak and stir-fry until brown..
  5. Add the onion, mushroom and beef stock and cook to simmer for 5 minutes..
  6. Cut a piece of beef in half and check it is cooked to your liking. Add the ingredients set aside in the bowl and stir. Heat to warm but take off the heat before boiling..
  7. When serving and sprinkle with the parsley..
  8. Serve on rice (as pictured above) or on mashed potato.  Save any left overs and chill or freeze.  Re-heat and serve a half portion with a jacket potato (see below) or on toast with salad..

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