Recipe: Perfect Creamy Fish Gratin

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Creamy Fish Gratin. Mornay sauce and a crunchy gratin topping combine to create a comforting fish dish. The creamy cheese sauce and the tender potatoes in this classic French dish combine to make a I thought this recipe was very, very good. The Food Lab: This Creamy, Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Gratin Just Might Be the Side Dish of Your Dreams.

Creamy Fish Gratin The Creamy Salmon Gratin recipe out of our category Cooking! Fish, mushrooms and eggs are baked together in a cream sauce. Enjoy with mashed potatoes, if desired. You can cook Creamy Fish Gratin using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Creamy Fish Gratin

  1. You need 500 g of fish pieces, I had a mix of smoked haddock, cod and salmon.
  2. You need 300 g of creme fraiche, don't use half fat - it will separate.
  3. It's of couple of handfuls grated mature Cheddar cheese.
  4. Prepare of couple of handfuls of fresh breadcrumbs.
  5. Prepare of couple of handfuls of grated Parmesan cheese.
  6. You need of squeeze lemon juice, salt and pepper, and you could add fresh herbs such as parsley and dill if you like.

Flecked with bacon and oozing with Gruyère cheese, Brussels sprouts have never been so extravagantly presented as in this over-the-top gratin. Creamy Potato Gratin - Guaranteed to be everyone's favorite side dish, for dinners or holidays! So amazingly rich, creamy, buttery and completely addictive! Is it too early to be discussing Easter.

Creamy Fish Gratin step by step

  1. Butter an ovenproof dish and place the fish pieces at the bottom. Squeeze over a little lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Preheat the oven to 200C/Gas 6..
  2. Cover the fish completely with creme fraiche, smoothing over the top to make an airtight layer, only use as much creme fraiche as you need..
  3. Spread the grated Cheddar over the top in an even layer. Mix the breadcrumbs with the grated Parmesan and then add that to the top too. I didn't have quite enough breadcrumbs, you need a good layer so you have a nice crispy topping..
  4. Grind over some black pepper and some paprika too if you wish and then bake for about 20 minutes. The fish will cook quickly in a metal dish, you'll need a bit longer if you're using a ceramic or china dish. Serve with chips and peas!.

This fish bake is a flavoursome warmer and uses dense Jerusalem artichokes in place of potatoes, from BBC Sunchoke or Jerusalem Artichoke Gratin plus more recipes using this versatile tuber. I find that many casseroles and gratins smother the vegetables with dairy, grains, and other peripheral ingredients. But I want to taste the vegetables — especially when, like here. Fish Fillets Au Gratin In The OvenFood From Portugal. Creamy Au Gratin PotatoesCenter Cut Cook.

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