How to Cook Yummy All in One Shepherd’s / Cottage Pie

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

All in One Shepherd’s / Cottage Pie. Shepherd's Pie is one of those foods that brings a smile to everyone's face - especially when you get seconds! Therefore, when housewives bought their Sunday meat they selected pieces large enough to. While the ground beef version is also very delicious, it's not considered a "Shepherd's Pie," since shepherds raise sheep, not cows.

All in One Shepherd’s / Cottage Pie The shepherd's pie is supposedly a product of that frugality: Instead of wastefully throwing food in the trash, the penny-pinching cooks threw all their leftovers into one dish and called it a day. Here's what we do know for sure: Cottage pie was actually a thing before its lamb-filled counterpart. Oh, how I love Shepherd's pie. You can cook All in One Shepherd’s / Cottage Pie using 12 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of All in One Shepherd’s / Cottage Pie

  1. You need 500 Grams of Beef Mince.
  2. It's 2 of large Onions.
  3. Prepare 2 tablespoons of Cooking Oil.
  4. You need 500 grams of Potatoes.
  5. It's 100 grams of Butter.
  6. Prepare 4 of large Carrots.
  7. It's Cup of peas (frozen).
  8. You need Cup of Sweetcorn (frozen).
  9. It's Cup of diced Sweet Peppers.
  10. It's 2 of Stock Cubes.
  11. Prepare Cup of hot water.
  12. Prepare of Sprinkle of Parmesan Cheese.

It depends on whether you use lamb or beef. And if Gordon Ramsay catches you using beef and calling it Shepherd's Pie, he might just go all.well, Gordon Ramsay on you. He's mentioned this several times on the boob tube, with more than a trace. Cottage/Shepherd's Pie recipe: Shepherd's Pie comes to us from England, and is Regardless of what you call it, a shepherd's pie is basically a casserole with a layer of cooked meat and When you dig in you get a spoonful of mashed potatoes, some crispy bits, meat, and vegetables all in one bite.

All in One Shepherd’s / Cottage Pie step by step

  1. Cut Potatoes into small cubes and put into a pan of boiling water. Bring to boil and then turn down to a simmer for about 15-20 minutes..
  2. Peel and chop Carrots into small cubes / pieces and put into boiling water. Bring to boil and then turn down to a simmer..
  3. Peel and dice Onions, add to a large pot with the butter, cook, stirring until golden brown..
  4. Add Beef Mince to Onions and mix well. Cook until brown all over, then dissolve stock cubes in the hot water and add to the Beef mix..
  5. Drain and add carrots to Beef mix, then add peas, sweetcorn, mixed peppers and stir well..
  6. Put beef mix in an oven dish, filling it to about 2/3 full..
  7. Drain Potatoes, put in a large bowl, with the butter, and mash until smooth and creamy. Spoon onto top of beef mix, spreading it out and smoothing the top. Decorate using a fork, if you wish. Sprinkle over the Parmesan Cheese..
  8. Put dish in medium hot oven for about 30-45 minutes until golden brown..
  9. If you try this dish, please take a photo and share on Cook Pad to show others!!.

Wonderful cottage pie reminds me of the meals I had in my British school's canteen. I followed the recipe for everything except the green peas coz I do not have them on hand. Cottage pie is actually older than shepherd's pie. Potatoes were affordable ingredients that were often used by the peasants, who lived in cottages. Traditional Irish Shepherd's Pie would actually call for ground lamb.

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