Recipe: Delicious Mincemeat Pie

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mincemeat Pie. Christmas without mince pies is unimaginable. Get our best mincemeat pie recipe here. Mincemeat Pies: The Stars of My Holiday Dessert Table.

Mincemeat Pie Mincemeat pie, also called mince pie, has occupied a prominent place on Britain's holiday table for centuries and that tradition continues today. Country Mince Pie from our Throwback Thanksgiving feature. Country Mince Pie from our Throwback Thanksgiving feature. You can cook Mincemeat Pie using 9 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Mincemeat Pie

  1. Prepare of Stuffings.
  2. Prepare 1 can of Jam.
  3. Prepare 16 of Rasberries.
  4. You need of Pastry.
  5. Prepare 375 grams of Plain Flour.
  6. You need 260 grams of butter.
  7. Prepare 125 grams of Caster Sugar.
  8. You need 1 cup of Milk (add more if needed).
  9. It's of Icing Sugar.

Take the top of every other strip and fold it back halfway. Mince pies are a Christmas staple and this really easy mince pie recipe will soon become a family favourite. Mother made this a lot when I was growing up and she also made mincemeat cookies. Our Mincemeat Pie recipe without meat is filled with Homemade Fruit Mincemeat, making it the perfect introduction to the traditional English Christmas dessert.

Mincemeat Pie step by step

  1. Place the flour and Sugar in a bowl and mix.
  2. Take the butter and chop it roughly into cubes.
  3. Add the butter to the flour and sugar and rub together using your fingertips until you find it to be in a crumbly consistancy..
  4. Now add the milk and mix together until it looks fairly like a dough..
  5. Tip it out on a lightly floured surface and mix until it all comes together.
  6. Preheat the oven @ 200-220°C or @ gas 7..
  7. Using a Round cutter(around 10cm), cut 16 bases and spread them out in a muffin tray.
  8. Fill the base 3/4 of jam and put a berry on top :).
  9. Re-roll the pastry and cut out 7cm lids, then press the sides of the base and the lid together to seal..
  10. Mark an X on top of the pies and Bake them for 15-20 mins or until golden brown..
  11. Leave them to cool down for about 2-5 mins before taking them out of thier trays or else they'll fall apart..
  12. Sprinkle with icing sugar, Serve and Enjoy!.

After seeing old-fashioned mincemeat pie recipes, I was curious to see what they would taste like Since I had seen other mincemeat pie recipes that used both raisins and currants, and since I had. Our mince pies undoubtedly have medieval origins, although we would not immediately recognise It's hard to know exactly when meat was dropped from the mince pie. They brought home a variety of oriental spices. Star chef Grant Achatz balances the spicy-sweet fruit filling in his mincemeat pie with rum and brandy. Get the recipe at Food & Wine. mincemeat pie recipes.

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