Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Filipino Style Carbonara Recipe

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Filipino Style Carbonara Recipe.

Filipino Style Carbonara Recipe You can have Filipino Style Carbonara Recipe using 11 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Filipino Style Carbonara Recipe

  1. It's 7-8 strips of Bacon.
  2. You need as needed of Cooking oil.
  3. It's 500 g of Spaghetti.
  4. It's 1 pc of Beef Cube.
  5. Prepare 1.5 cup of All-purpose Cream.
  6. It's 6 tbsp of grated Parmesan Cheese.
  7. You need 1 pc of onion; minced.
  8. You need 2 cloves of garlic; minced.
  9. Prepare 1/8 tsp of ground nutmeg.
  10. It's 1 tsp of salt.
  11. Prepare 4 cups of water.

Filipino Style Carbonara Recipe instructions

  1. Cook 7-8 strips of Bacon until crispy. Cook in medium heat for 2 minutes. Flip the bacon and cook the opposite side for another 2 minutes. Set aside. Save the bacon grease..
  2. Cook the spaghetti by pouring the 4 cups of water in a cooking pot. Let it boil. Add a 1 tbsp of cooking oil and add 500 grams spaghetti. Cook for 12 minutes or until al dente. Remove the spaghetti and set aside. Save 1/4 cup of water used to cook the spaghetti..
  3. Prepare the carbonara sauce by heating 3 tablespoons of bacon grease then saute onion and garlic..
  4. Once the onion softens, pour 1.5 cup all-purpose cream into the pan. Stir then add 1/4 cup water..
  5. Add the beef cube, stir well until mixed in to the sauce..
  6. Put 1/2 of chopped bacon and nutmeg into the sauce then stir..
  7. Add the cooked spaghetti. Toss until spaghetti gets totally coated with sauce..
  8. Add the 6 tbsp of Parmesan cheese. Toss and add rest of the bacon..
  9. Transfer to a serving plate. Serve and enjoy..

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