Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Potato Gratin

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Potato Gratin.

Potato Gratin You can have Potato Gratin using 9 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Potato Gratin

  1. Prepare 500 kg of potatoes.
  2. It's 200 ml of creme fraiche.
  3. You need 200 ml of milk.
  4. It's 1 of garlic clove.
  5. You need of Butter.
  6. Prepare of Nutmeg.
  7. Prepare of Salt.
  8. Prepare of Pepper.
  9. It's of Parmesan.

Potato Gratin instructions

  1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees celsius..
  2. Peel and slice potatoes into 1/2 mm slices (best use a slicer)..
  3. Peel garlic and cut in half..
  4. Take a large and flat oven dish or a clean baking tray and first rub garlic on it, then butter. If you like garlic, slice it and lay it out in the dish..
  5. Tile potatoes on the dish like you would panels on a roof. It should only be one layer. Salt the potatoes..
  6. Mix creme fraiche and milk. Add salt, nutmeg and pepper. Don't be stingy. Pout mixture into the potatoes. The potatoes shouldn't drown in the mixture..
  7. Add parmesan on top..
  8. Cook for 25-30 min in the middle of the oven..

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