Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Mince (fruit) Pies

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mince (fruit) Pies. These pies range from berries to stone fruits so there's something for everyone and every occasion! Grab a fork and get ready to dig in. Every one of these pie recipes is a winner.

Mince (fruit) Pies Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. One of the most luxurious smells in the world is a fresh bak. But fresh fruit is a fickle mistress in the world of pie. You can have Mince (fruit) Pies using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Mince (fruit) Pies

  1. It's 1 of mix of Sweet Shortcrust Pastry(see my other recipes)(use margarine for Vegans).
  2. It's 1 of kilo Best Mincemeat Mix.
  3. Prepare 500 Grams of Glacé Cherries.
  4. It's 50-100 mls of Dark Rum.
  5. It's 2 of eggs.
  6. You need of 2 cutters, one larger than the other.
  7. It's of 1 star cutter (optional).

The ripest (even over-ripe) fruits make the sweetest pies, but they're also so juicy. Zhi guo yuan AKA Romance of a Fruit Peddler: Oldest surviving film from China! Cheng the fruit seller is in love with the daughter of his neighbor the.. Single Crust Peach Pie, Single-crust Plum And Apple Pie, Deep Fruit Pies With No Top Crust Recipes.

Mince (fruit) Pies instructions

  1. Chill pastry, if not already. Set aside 1/3 pastry for lids. Butter 2 x 12 cup cake tins..
  2. Put all the mincemeat and cherries into a bowl. Tip over the Rum, mix well and leave to soak while you prepare the pastry..
  3. Roll out 2/3 pastry, (for bases,) using the larger cutter cut out enough circles to fill two 12 cup cake tins. Press gently to fit..
  4. Whisk the eggs in a cup. Use a pastry brush to coat all the insides and rims of the cases..
  5. Spoon mince mix into the cups, making sure it’s not over the rims..
  6. Using trimmings, plus the other 1/3 of pastry, roll out into a sheet. Cut 24 lids with smaller cutter. Use Star cutter in centre, or pierce with a fork..
  7. Add lids to cups. Press down edges to seal. Baste with beaten egg..
  8. Cook in medium hot oven for 15-25 minutes, turning once to brown evenly. Carefully prize out of the tins, (as the liquid sticks them in!), and put on a wire rack to cool completely. Enjoy! Can be frozen up to 6 months..

And with that comes summer pies! Recently I've had a few Marge customers write to me asking how we achieve fruit fillings that aren't runny or overly gummy or starchy. Fried Fruit PiesDelicious hand pies filled with whatever pie filling you'd like! Really easy to make. (Just be careful with the hot oil; keep on the back burner if you have little ones. So it is a tradition among my big sister's kids that fruit pie leftovers are consumed for breakfast- my mother traditionally makes them for holiday and.

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