How to Cook Perfect Tomato Gratin with Lots of Cheese

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Tomato Gratin with Lots of Cheese. A beautiful, light gratin with Middle Eastern spices. I use coriander seeds and cinnamon to season the tomato sauce that I toss with the roasted cauliflower and sautéed red onions, then add a couple of eggs beaten with goat cheese. We're topping this gratin with provolone and Parmesan cheeses.

Tomato Gratin with Lots of Cheese Drizzle the remaining tablespoon of olive oil around the perimeter, where › Zucchini, Eggplant, Tomato Gratin. A gratin is any dish topped with cheese or breadcrumbs mixed with butter, then heated until browned--but it needn't be heavy. This one has plenty of garden-fresh tomatoes and herbs, a touch of full-flavored cheese and a crispy crumb topping. You can cook Tomato Gratin with Lots of Cheese using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Tomato Gratin with Lots of Cheese

  1. It's 1 large of Tomatoes.
  2. You need 1/6 of Onion.
  3. Prepare 2 of to 3 slices Ham or bacon.
  4. It's 1 of Eggs.
  5. Prepare 1 tbsp of Mayonnaise.
  6. Prepare 1 of Easy melting cheese.

This Tomato Au Gratin is awesome! A family member dropped off a big box of fresh tomatoes right before I left town for a week. Top with the shredded Parmesan cheese. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt, black pepper, oregano to taste.

Tomato Gratin with Lots of Cheese step by step

  1. Slice the tomatoes in about 1 cm in width, then chop in half. Layer on the bottom of a casserole dish..
  2. Chop up the ham and onions..
  3. Mix the egg and mayonnaise with a spoon. When smooth, add the ham and onion and continue to mix..
  4. Place the tomatoes in Step 1 on the mixture in Step 3, and add as much cheese as you like on top. Bake in the toaster oven for 7 minutes and it's done..

Top with the shredded Parmesan cheese. Be the first to rate & review! Tomatoes: Plump red tomatoes are best in this zucchini tomato gratin - definitely try to avoid those pale mealy ones that taste like nothing! I really admire the French for teaching us that the best way to make vegetables taste good is to either generously butter them, or add a layer of cheese and bake. Tender potatoes and onions smothered in a homemade cheese sauce are baked to perfection.

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