Recipe: Perfect Sirloin Steak with Pesto & Rocket

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Sirloin Steak with Pesto & Rocket. The combination of steak, homemade pesto, morel mushrooms, and asparagus is simply incredible. Celebrate summer with this easy pizza recipe utilizing a pre-baked pizza crust. This unique salad was originally invented as a way to use up stale bread and fresh garden vegetables.

Sirloin Steak with Pesto & Rocket To serve, cut the meat into slices, lay on a bed of pasta and top with the remaining pesto. Sirloin is one of the best steaks for everyday cooking! This family-sized cut is flavorful and tender, plus it's budget-friendly at How to cook sirloin steak. You can have Sirloin Steak with Pesto & Rocket using 4 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Sirloin Steak with Pesto & Rocket

  1. Prepare 3 tablespoon of good quality green pesto.
  2. You need Handful of fresh rocket leaves.
  3. Prepare of Lean sirloin steak.
  4. Prepare of Savoury rice or quinoa.

Pat dry the steak with paper towels to remove excess moisture and then rub on all sides with oil. What's better than a sirloin steak cooked to perfection on the grill? Sirloin steak strips are sauteed with garlic and onion powders and chopped onions. Chili or bell peppers, diced tomatoes, condensed cream of mushroom soup, and milk are added and simmered for.

Sirloin Steak with Pesto & Rocket instructions

  1. Cook steak as desired and thinly slice.
  2. Plate up by adding pesto at the bottom then rocket leaves with steak on top and add a side of rice or quinoa.

Top Sirloin Filets get a quick marinade in lemon juice and spices. Meanwhile, a fresh spinach-lemon pesto dresses up pasta and cherry tomatoes. Treat yourself to these beef steaks rubbed with a Mexican-flavored mixture of fresh thyme and ancho chili served with a fresh homemade cabbage. Sprinkle with rosemary and thyme for added aroma. Cut meat into thin slices and serve with roasted vegetables along with the parsley pesto sauce.

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