Recipe: Perfect Creamy Carbonara

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Creamy Carbonara. This Creamy Carbonara is a plate of heavenly, creamy pasta. Silky spaghetti with crispy pancetta in a super creamy and cheesy sauce. Simply delicious and so easy to make them at home.

Creamy Carbonara Learn how to cook our Creamy Carbonara Pasta Recipe. ➤ Click here to see the full recipe. Take your loved ones to a new level of yum with the our Scrumptious Creamy Carbonara recipe. Garlic or onion, pecorino or parmesan, bacon or ham, cream or butter - how do you like your carbonara, and what's the secret to getting that perfect consistency? You can cook Creamy Carbonara using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Creamy Carbonara

  1. It's 1 kg of penne pasta.
  2. You need of Sauce.
  3. You need 250 grams of chicken, cubes.
  4. Prepare 250 grams of bacon.
  5. It's 250 grams of ham.
  6. Prepare 1 can of evaporated milk.
  7. It's 1 can of cream.
  8. You need 1 cup of butter.
  9. It's 1 box of cheese.
  10. It's 1 can of mushroom.
  11. Prepare 1 large of onion, diced.
  12. You need 1 clove of garlic, minced.
  13. It's 1 dash of salt.
  14. You need 1 dash of pepper.

Green peas add color and sweetness to this rich and creamy pasta dinner with the smoky flavors of bacon and ham. All Reviews for Quick and Creamy Pasta Carbonara. It's the original poor man's pasta with its bare bones ingredient list and rich, belly satisfying flavor. Spaghetti Carbonara is the epitome of simple, satisfying pasta dishes.

Creamy Carbonara instructions

  1. Cook pasta according to package instruction. Set aside.
  2. Melt the butter in a low medium fire and put the bacon and ham to coat the taste of butter. Dont overcooked it. Slightly fry it.
  3. Sliced the bacon and ham. See to it that the slice of ham is 1/2 inch and the bacon is smaller than the ham.
  4. The left over butter in the pan where you cook the ham and bacon, saute the garlic and onion then remove the garlic and onion, I just need the aroma of the garlic and onion.(if you want it then dont remove it).
  5. Put the chicken and season it with salt and pepper according to your taste. Then if the chicken turns brown drop the ham and bacon.
  6. In a low fire, pour the evaporated milk stirring continously so that it wont curdle and add cream on it..
  7. Put the grated cheese on the sauce. Set aside some sauce to be put when you eat it. Mix the cooked penni pasta still in medium fire..
  8. Serve while it is hot. And top with sauce, mushroom and the grated cheese.

The Italians make carbonara with guanciale, which is a sort of bacon made from cured pork cheeks, but you can substitute pancetta, which, like. What makes a carbonara a carbonara? The classic Italian pasta dish, at its most simple, is a marvelous melding of The trio comes together to coat pasta with a creamy, sumptuous sauce that. When you're craving a comfort food, nothing will cure you like creamy spaghetti carbonara. Here's everything to remember when making our easy recipe.

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