How to Cook Appetizing Linguine alla Carbonara 2.0

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Linguine alla Carbonara 2.0.

Linguine alla Carbonara 2.0 You can have Linguine alla Carbonara 2.0 using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Linguine alla Carbonara 2.0

  1. Prepare 200 g of Linguine Pasta,.
  2. It's 2 Slices of High Quality Chicken Bacon Coarsely Sliced,.
  3. You need 1 of Egg,.
  4. Prepare of Cured Egg Yolk Freshly Grated, Pinch + More For Garnishing.
  5. You need of Parmigiano Reggiano Freshly Grated, 1 TBSP + More For Garnishing.
  6. You need Pinch of Roasted Black Pepper,.
  7. You need Pinch of Sea Salt,.

Linguine alla Carbonara 2.0 instructions

  1. Pls visit: for the cured egg yolk recipe..
  2. In a skillet over medium heat, add 400ml of hot water. Season the water with sea salt until it tastes like the ocean. Add in 100g of the pasta..
  3. Cook until al dente. *You can keep the paste for later use. Do not discard the starchy pasta water.* In the same skillet, add hot water until it is 400ml..
  4. Season the water with sea salt until it tastes like the ocean. Add in the remaining pasta. At the same time, in another skillet over medium heat, add chicken bacon..
  5. Cook the bacon until it releases it's own oil and starts to crisp. The pasta should also just under al dente and most of the pasta water should also almost evaporate. Turn off the heat on both stoves..
  6. Transfer the pasta and the pasta water into the same skillet with the bacon. In a bowl, combine egg, cured egg yolk, parmigiano, pepper and salt until well combine. *To make roasted black pepper, simply roast a few peppercorn in a skillet until aromatic. Grind them coarsely in a mortar and pestle.*.
  7. Transfer the egg mixture into the skillet. Toss to combine well, making sure the pasta is well coated with the sauce..
  8. Transfer onto serving plate. Garnish with some more pepper, parmigiano and cured egg yolk. Serve immediately..

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