Recipe: Appetizing Chilled Carbonara with Poached Egg

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chilled Carbonara with Poached Egg. Remove the poached eggs from the water bath and drain on paper towels. Whisk one of the raw eggs and pour into a small flat dish. Узнать причину. Закрыть. Carbonara poached eggs just aren't complete until you add truffle oil and pasta into the mix.

Chilled Carbonara with Poached Egg Spaghetti Carbonara is pretty much our favorite pasta dish ever. Sauté garlic and onions in olive oil and cook until onions are soft. Mix well to cook the beaten eggs. You can cook Chilled Carbonara with Poached Egg using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Chilled Carbonara with Poached Egg

  1. It's 70 grams of Pasta.
  2. It's 1 of Poached egg (chilled).
  3. It's 4 of pieces Cured ham.
  4. It's 3 tbsp of ♦ Heavy cream (or soy based).
  5. It's 1 tbsp of ♦ Parmesan cheese.
  6. It's 1/2 tsp of ♦ Salt.
  7. It's 1 of generous amount ♦ Black pepper.

Serve immediately and top with Poached Egg, Parmesan and basil leaves for garnish. Pasta carbonara is one of our favorites. But I often cook for groups or dinner guests and I am a bit concerned about the way the recipe handles raw eggs. Does the warm pasta really cook the egg??

Chilled Carbonara with Poached Egg instructions

  1. Cook the pasta in salted (not listed) boiling water..
  2. In a bowl, combine the parmesan cheese, cream, salt, and pepper..
  3. Strain the cooked pasta in a colander, rinse under water to cool it down, and drain..
  4. Add the pasta into the bowl from Step 2 and toss together..
  5. Transfer the pasta onto a plate, sprinkle over on the bite-sized cured ham, and top it with the poached egg. Lastly sprinkle on some black pepper and parmesan cheese (not listed)..
  6. Enjoy it by breaking the poached egg..
  7. It's delicious to toss it all up..

So I decided to create my own version of the classic Italian pasta and eggs dish- pasta alla carbonara. To top it all off, I finish the dish with a warm poached egg. When you break the egg open and the warm yolk flows over the pasta, it's out of this world. I just tried this recipe but my eggs scrambled a bit. It still tasted good, but the texture was off, of course.

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