Recipe: Perfect Heavy Cream-free Rich and Cheesy Carbonara

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Heavy Cream-free Rich and Cheesy Carbonara. Traditional carbonara in Italy is made without cream. It's a drier carbonara, to be sure, but not less satisfying. Still, if you're accustomed to the North American version of carbonara as it is served at popular restaurants like Cheesecake Factory, Olive Garden and so forth, a cream-free carbonara might not be what you want.

Heavy Cream-free Rich and Cheesy Carbonara It looks like a lengthy recipe, but all you have to do is mix everything. See great recipes for Silky Carbonara, Lower carb cheesy Carbonara too! Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. You can have Heavy Cream-free Rich and Cheesy Carbonara using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Heavy Cream-free Rich and Cheesy Carbonara

  1. You need 100 grams of Pasta.
  2. You need 200 ml of Milk.
  3. Prepare 1 of Egg yolk.
  4. Prepare 10 grams of Butter.
  5. Prepare 1 tbsp of White flour.
  6. It's 2 slice of Melting sliced cheese.
  7. It's 2 tsp of Consommé granules.

A quick and easy dinner that is made in minutes! Pasta is a weekly special in our home! If you love pasta as much as we do try these Creamy Garlic Shrimp Alfredo Pasta, Creamy Chicken, Bacon and Broccoli Ranch Pasta or. Get this eggless yet deliciously rich and creamy, easy Carbonara recipe that is done in no time at all!

Heavy Cream-free Rich and Cheesy Carbonara step by step

  1. Boil the pasta for slightly less time than indicated on the package..
  2. Prepare everything else. Slice the bacon and your other favourite ingredients into bite-sized pieces. Cook any ingredients that take time to cook through..
  3. Put the egg yolk and thinly shredded cheese into a bowl..
  4. Heat the butter in a frying pan and stir-fry the ingredients from Step 2 with the white flour..
  5. Add the milk a little at a time, and spread it out so it doesn't become lumpy. When you have added all the milk, mix in the consommé granules..
  6. Add the boiled pasta, and mix it well with the sauce..
  7. Place the pasta from Step 6 and a ladleful of the boiled pasta water into the bowl from Step 3, and mix it well until the cheese melts..
  8. When the cheese has melted, return it to the frying pan, and heat it until the sauce thickens to your liking. Season with salt and pepper to finish..

Perfect for a quick dinner for people on the go! I've learned to cook this easy Carbonara recipe after I finished college and moved away from home to work in the big city (Manila). While spaghetti is cooking, whisk cream, egg yolks, Parmesan, salt, and pepper in a medium bowl until combined. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook the spaghetti until just al dente. A super rich, classic 'bacon and chicken' spaghetti dish..

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