Recipe: Yummy Mince Pie Roulades

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Mince Pie Roulades. This delicious raspberry meringue roulade recipe is a real showstopper. This delicious raspberry meringue roulade recipe is a real showstopper. Keep any leftovers in the fridge for up to three days.

Mince Pie Roulades Mincemeat pie, also called mince pie, has occupied a prominent place on Britain's holiday table for centuries and that tradition continues today. Follow our simple pastry recipe to make delicious Mince Pie Pinwheels that are full of flavour! Try this delicious mince pie pinwheels recipe for a tasty treat. You can cook Mince Pie Roulades using 4 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Mince Pie Roulades

  1. You need 1 jar of mincemeat.
  2. You need 1/2 cup (1 handful) of chopped pistachios.
  3. It's 1/2 cup (1 handful) of dried cranberries.
  4. Prepare 1 pack of ready made puff pastry.

Made with Jus-Rol puff pastry and ready in just. As it's almost Christmas I thought today would be a great time to show you how to make Mince Pies. For more recipes like this uploaded. This gorgeous crunchy, and crumbly, chocolate, hazelnut meringue roulade is the perfect posh dessert to impress friends with at the weekend.

Mince Pie Roulades step by step

  1. Lightly oil a shallow mince pie tray and pre heat the oven to 195 C..
  2. Unroll the pastry on a work top, keeping it omits sheet of parchment paper..
  3. Spread the mincemeat over the pastry, then sprinkle with cranberries and the chopped pistachios..
  4. Roll the pastry up using the parchment paper to tip the roulade up and allow the weight of the roll to help it along..
  5. Use a large sharp knife to slice rounds off the roulade. Place each round in a well of your baking tray..
  6. Bake for 25-30 mins until crisp and golden..
  7. Allow to cool and dust with icing sugar..

Get the recipe Delectably fluffy, this roulade is a sinfully light way to end your meal. Maple Pecan Meringue Roulade- this is definitely a keeper recipe! It got devoured fast with plenty of compliments. Tip the mincemeat into a bowl and stir so that the liquid is. A roulade (/ruːˈlɑːd/) is a dish of filled rolled meat or pastry.

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