How to Cook Yummy Creamy Bacon and Mushroom Carbonara

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Creamy Bacon and Mushroom Carbonara. Add bacon and cook in medium heat until the bacon fat gets extracted. Continue to cook until the texture of the bacon becomes crispy. Arrange some pasta in a large bowl.

Toss until all ingredients are well blended. One thing that I liked about this Bacon and Mushroom Carbonara (aside from its delicious taste) is its ease of preparation. This is a recipe for Filipino Style Creamy Bacon and Mushroom Carbonara. You can cook Creamy Bacon and Mushroom Carbonara using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Creamy Bacon and Mushroom Carbonara

  1. Prepare 350 ml of Double Cream.
  2. It's 10 slice of Unsmoked Bacon.
  3. Prepare 4 of Eggs.
  4. It's 60 grams of Parmesan Cheese.
  5. It's 10 of Mushrooms, Halved.
  6. It's 1/2 of Onion, chopped.
  7. You need 1 of Garlic Clove, Ground.
  8. You need 300 grams of Penne Pasta.
  9. Prepare 1 of ground black pepper.

This recipe of Bacon and Mushroom Carbonara was the perfect meal to end off our holiday, a last little treat before all the carbs are banned from my pantry! You can tweak this recipe to your liking; if you don't like mushrooms for instance you can just leave it out. This Carbonara sauce is a combination. Fry the bacon for three or four minutes until it lightly browns.

Creamy Bacon and Mushroom Carbonara step by step

  1. Boil Pasta until soft..
  2. Fry Bacon until completely cooked. Then cut into chunks. Fry the mushrooms and onion..
  3. Separate the white from the yolk on three of the eggs..
  4. Add the yolks, a full egg, and 40 grams of parmesan to the double cream. Whisk until all mixed..
  5. Put the mushrooms, onion and bacon into a wok. Add in the pasta then cover with the double cream sauce. Sprinkle ground pepper over the top..
  6. Once the sauce is no longer runny, serve up and sprinkle the remaining 20 grams over each portion..

Add in the onion, garlic, and mushrooms. Toss it for another minute or two. Serve you creamy bacon and mushroom carbonara up with some garlic bread. Sprinkle more cheese if you wish. How to cook Creamy Mushroom and Bacon Fettuccine Carbonara.

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