How to Cook Perfect Bleu Cheese Gratin Dauphinois

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Bleu Cheese Gratin Dauphinois. A French gratin Dauphinois is a classic dish and the ultimate comfort food. It is so easy to make with soft, melting potatoes plus a garlicky cream sauce. A classic French Dauphinois is now enjoyed around the world, which is no surprise as it is utterly delicious.

Bleu Cheese Gratin Dauphinois This is a simple cheat recipe to prepare the dish Add double cream, salt, black pepper powder, crushed garlic cloves, bay leaf, pinch of nutmeg and Parmesan cheese. Sprinkle with some cheese and add more potatoes. Continue to layer until you have used up the potatoes, finishing with a layer of cheese. You can have Bleu Cheese Gratin Dauphinois using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Bleu Cheese Gratin Dauphinois

  1. Prepare 3 lb of Idaho potatoes; peeled and sliced very thin.
  2. Prepare 1 of package bleu cheese crumbles.
  3. Prepare 1 of package bacon.
  4. Prepare 2 cup of heavy cream.
  5. You need 1 cup of grated parmesan cheese.
  6. You need 1 of lemon; zested.
  7. Prepare 1 of salt and pepper.

Gratin Dauphinois is a classic French potato dish that you will find in many bistro restaurants in France. Traditionally there's no cheese and instead, knobs of butter are added to the top helping the potato starch mixed with the cream render that brown gratin look and flavour. Eplucher, laver et couper les pommes de terre en rondelles fines (NB : ne pas les laver APRES les avoir coupées, car l'amidon est nécessaire à une consistance correcte). Gratin dauphinois is a French dish of sliced potatoes baked in milk or cream, from the Dauphiné region in south-eastern France.

Bleu Cheese Gratin Dauphinois instructions

  1. Cook bacon on sheet tray in oven at 375° for approximately 25 minutes or until bacon is crispy. Drain fat. Pat bacon dry with paper towels. Chop bacon into small bits and set aside..
  2. Pour enough cream on bottom of casserole dish to cover. Layer potatoes across dish leaving no holes. Top with half of bleu cheese crumbles and 1/3 of parmesean and bacon. Squeeze 1/3 of the lemon juice. Repeat two more times. Pour remaining cream over top and press down to ensure distribution of cream. Cover with foil and bake at 350° for approximately 1 hour. Uncover during last 15 minutes. Garnish with lemon zest. Serve with sour cream if desired..
  3. Variations; Sour cream, creme fraiche, butter, applewood smoked bacon, cheddar, gruyere, scallions, chives, cayenne, jalapenos, celery root, parsley, rosemary, celery, onion, walnuts, asiago, pancetta,.

There are many variants of the name of the dish. When I have to think of a perfect dinner party side, gratin dauphinois and green beans always come to my mind. This traditional French side dish is made of mashed potatoes and choux pastry. I served it with a blue cheese and mushroom sauce. Traditionally Gratin Dauphinois does not include cheese, although its creamy consistency often makes people think there must be some in the dish.

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