Recipe: Appetizing Ladybirds Yummy Leftovers Idea .

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Ladybirds Yummy Leftovers Idea .. If you don't want to recreate your Thanksgiving meal again and again, it's time to come up with some tasty ideas to use those leftovers in new ways. The options are virtually limitless, so don't be afraid to experiment. In the meantime, here are some mouthwatering ideas you will want to eat all year round.

Ladybirds Yummy Leftovers Idea . Whether your fridge is full of leftover turkey, stuffing, potatoes, or pie, these recipes ensure you'll never open your fridge post-feast and wonder what to make. Iced ring doughnuts baked in the oven for. All this is to say, do not fear leftover rice! You can have Ladybirds Yummy Leftovers Idea . using 3 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ladybirds Yummy Leftovers Idea .

  1. Prepare 1 of cheese top melted bread roll / or bread roll of your choice - or as many as you wish to make ..
  2. You need 1 cup of per roll , of left over , stew , casserole , pasta dish , hot pot , roast , mac cheese , spaggetti , mash - meat and gravy , or any leftover reheatable meal ..
  3. Prepare 1 tbsp of butter.

Here are some ideas for putting it to delicious use. Make a rice bowl: A quick savory meal is a bowl of reheated rice (I stick it in the Turn it into pie crust: Add some cheese and egg whites, and you've got yourself a yummy gluten-free pie crust for a quiche. Take your leftover rice. prepare all your veggies. soak the kasuri methi leaves in water. When it comes to leftovers, my mum always told me to be smart about it because it will make or break your budget.

Ladybirds Yummy Leftovers Idea . step by step

  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C ..
  2. Take the rolls ,one at a time , and using a sharp knife , cut the tops of the rolls off in a circle , cutting down into the roll slightly , and remove the top , and cut away the bottom excess bread dough to create a lid , then pull out excess bread dough from the inners of the bread roll , so to create a roll bowl ..
  3. Take your leftovers and , if necessary , cut any large chunky pieces down to smaller pieces so you can fit more into the roll bowl , then scoop the leftover mixture into the hollowed out middle of the roll bowl , pushing the mixture down so to get it into every nookandcrany of the inners of the roll bowl ..
  4. Once the roll bowl is full of the leftover mixture , dot bits of the butter all over and around the top of the leftovers in the roll bowl , then place roll lid back ontop roll bowl and place prepared filled roll on an oven tray and cover . (foil line bottom of the oven tray if preferred) ..
  5. Place prepared filled roll into the Preheated oven and cook for 20-25 minutes , then remove oven tray lid and cook for a further 10 minutes , or until inside filling is piping hot and roll is lightly browned and crisp ..
  6. Remove from heat and place on a serving plate and serve hot . Enjoy . :-) ..

Toss those hard cheese chunks to soups, goat cheese on salads or use leftover cheese for some yummy Mac n' Cheese. They got lots of ideas on how to use leftover ham! Give your leftovers a makeover: here's how to be creative with your fried rice bowls! Leftover rice + ham + mushrooms + beef stock equals a filling rice meal. Plus, you can cook this in a rice cooker!

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