How to Make Perfect Easy Gratin Cups Made In A Toaster Oven (for lunchboxes)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Easy Gratin Cups Made In A Toaster Oven (for lunchboxes).

Easy Gratin Cups Made In A Toaster Oven (for lunchboxes) You can cook Easy Gratin Cups Made In A Toaster Oven (for lunchboxes) using 9 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Easy Gratin Cups Made In A Toaster Oven (for lunchboxes)

  1. It's of ■ Added ingredients of your choice - this is what I used this time:.
  2. You need 10 grams of ■ Macaroni.
  3. It's 1/4 of ■ Fish sausage.
  4. Prepare 1 tsp of Butter.
  5. Prepare 1/2 tbsp of plus Cake flour.
  6. You need 4 of to 5 tablespoons Milk.
  7. It's 1 of as much (to taste) Melting type cheese (or non-melting type).
  8. You need 1 dash of Salt and pepper.
  9. It's 1 dash of Soup stock granules.

Easy Gratin Cups Made In A Toaster Oven (for lunchboxes) instructions

  1. Boil the macaroni following package instructions..
  2. Drain the macaroni, and mix it with the cut up fish sausage, cake flour and soup stock granules. Add a little salt and pepper to taste..
  3. Put the mixed ingredients in aluminium cups, top with a 1/2 teaspoon each of butter, and put in 2 to 2 1/2 tablespoons each of milk..
  4. Top with cheese, and bake in a toaster oven for about 10 minutes. When the milk is bubbling they are done..
  5. If you don't want the cheese to get burned, put it on halfway through the cooking process, or add it lastly and let it melt with residual heat..
  6. If you think it's too loose and liquid after cooking, add more cheese and it will be fine. Bake the cups on a baking sheet since they boil over sometimes..
  7. I used No. 8-sized aluminium cups this time..
  8. This version is made with peeled shrimp and green beans, although they're a bit hard to see..
  9. I used frozen seafood mix only in this version. It's on the bottom of the left side box..
  10. This is an imitation of a certain brand of frozen gratin cups. I still can't get the same soft texture though..

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