Recipe: Delicious Onion soup au gratin

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Onion soup au gratin. Onions Au Gratin. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Distribute soup into oven safe bowls, place a slice of bread on top of each bowl and sprinkle a thick layer of cheese on top of bread. Arrange the French bread cubes over the surface of the soup, then place the cheese evenly on top of the bread.

Onion soup au gratin In a large nonstick pan over medium-low heat, saute onions and butter stirring occasionally until golden brown and caramelized. Directions for: French Onion Soup with Croutons au Gratin. I love a hot bowl of French onion soup and am also a fan of pizza after busy workdays. You can have Onion soup au gratin using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Onion soup au gratin

  1. It's 2 dozen of Bermuda onions.
  2. Prepare 2 tablespoons of flour.
  3. Prepare 2 tablespoons of butter.
  4. It's 11/2 quarts of strong beef stock.
  5. Prepare of Salt pepper Parmesan cheese.
  6. You need of Celery salt.
  7. You need of Paprika.

This recipe combines classic onion soup ingredients with everyday pizza staples. Loaded with taste, this Onion Soup Au Gratin recipe is a real temptation! Best enjoyed as an appetizer, this recipe was taught to me by a dear friend who also happens to be a great chef. The real reason for less obesity in France is that the French eat less and enjoy it more.

Onion soup au gratin instructions

  1. Peel onions under water slice thin fry in butter until brown.
  2. Add flour mixed with butter to onions.
  3. Add stock cook in double boiler.
  4. Serve hot with grated cheese and paprika.

A little potato gratin, gooey with cream, is enough to have on the side of three. Try this Onion Soup Au Gratin recipe, or contribute your own. Suggest a better description. onion soup au gratin. Gently lay the croutons in one layer over the soup to cover as much of the surface as possible. Print recipe for: Gratin onion soup.

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